Sunday, April 17, 2011


When someone screams, I shoot through the roof.  Not because it's a loud noise and it startled me but because it puts me into emergency mode.  When someone screams I instantly want to rush to their side because I imagine blood gushing everywhere or a masked man with a chainsaw.  Most often when people scream it is over trivial things that do not warrant such shrillness.  I have known many that scream because they SEE a spider.  How is yelling going to help?  It accomplishes nothing and causes an unnecessary adrenaline rush for me.  I know this is how some people react to things but in my head I equate it to swearing (hard to control but possible).  If you scream, I can live with you I don't hate you or anything like that.  I hate how I feel scared for an hour after you screamed over a trivial thing because my heart rate won't slow.  I also deep down fear that one day you will really need my help and for once I won't respond because I've grown accustomed to screams.
Screams have meaning and to overuse them is like crying wolf.

Of course there are okay times to scream.  I won't freak out if we are watching a horror film or on a roller coaster.
I might add that while I am not one to scream.  I do swear and cuss on occasion when I stub my toe and that if you need to cry, do it whenever.  Because I am so picky, I'll probably be "blessed" with dogs that howl and children that do nothing but scream for all eternity.